
I cried. I recommend Fred for any projects like that!

I did not think I would have the time to write a recommendation for Fred this week because I have my recital coming up on Sunday Dec 4... However I started to look at one of the videos that he put music on... and it was AMAZING... Previously I watched a war video with his music ... and it was extremely compelling.. but never in the way... The video I watched right now about aging disease (Cockayne disease) was very powerful. (you need to be able to speak/understand Dutch for it though) You almost don't notice the music but it's there and enhances the story. I watched Night and Fog (nuit et brouillard) a while ago and the music is extremely compelling... I cried. I recommend Fred for any projects like that! November 30, 2011

Amersfoort,UT,Nederland, 3818 DJ